Why is precious trending on TikTok?

Why is precious trending on TikTok

If you've been on TikTok in the past week, you've probably seen the name "Precious" trending.

Precious has been blamed for everything that could go bad in a person's life. From transmitting HIV, to being the worst possible potential daughter-in-law to even being a really bad cook that uses way too much salt. The question is, why is 'Precious' being blamed for everything that could go wrong in a person's life?


Rumour has it that a video leaked of a girl called 'Precious' who blamed her boyfriend for stealing the items that she herself stole. The video went viral, with people tagging their friends in the comments asking if they knew who Precious was. This meant that the character of this young woman was put under the spotlight, and people started to associate the name 'Precious' with someone who was a bad person.


This is where the trend on TikTok started, with people making videos about how 'precious' is ruining their lives. Some videos are serious, while others are more comedic. But overall, the trend seems to be about people blaming everything on this one girl.

So far, there's no indication that the trend is slowing down, and it's likely that we'll be seeing more videos about 'Precious' in the near future. So if you're looking for a good laugh, or just want to see what all the fuss is about, be sure to check out the videos about this latest trend.


One thing is for sure however, anyone who does have the name 'Precious' is likely to be getting a lot of hate online right now. So if you know anyone with that name, be sure to give them a hug. They might need it.






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