

    As the 2025 AQA A-Level Psychology exams approach, it's crucial to focus on the most likely Psychopathology questions based on past paper trends. Our analysis suggests that The Behavioural Approach to Explaining and Treating Phobias, Definitions of Abnormality, and The Cognitive Approach to Depression are the most probable exam topics. With a 16-mark question expected on either Phobias or Depression, and smaller questions on OCD or Research Methods, this article provides a detailed breakdown of topic predictions, mark allocations, and essential study strategies to help you excel!


    With the 2025 AQA A-Level Psychology exams approaching, it's essential to focus on the most likely Attachment questions based on past trends. Our analysis predicts a high probability of questions on Ainsworth’s Strange Situation, Bowlby’s Maternal Deprivation Theory, and The Influence of Early Attachment on Later Relationships. A 16-mark question is likely to focus on either attachment types or institutionalisation, while research methods could appear as a shorter question. In this article, we provide a detailed breakdown of predicted topics, mark allocations, and study strategies to help you succeed!

  • MEMORY (PAPER 1 7182/1) 2025 PREDICTIONS

    Based on a thorough analysis of previous AQA A-Level Psychology exams, we predict that the Working Memory Model and Factors Affecting Eyewitness Testimony are due for major questions in the 2025 Memory exam. Expect at least one 16-mark essay question, likely on cognitive models of memory, and a mix of 8-12 mark application-based questions on Forgetting and Multi-Store Model. This article provides a data-driven breakdown of predicted topics, past mark allocations, and key revision strategies to help you prepare effectively."


    As the 2025 AQA A-Level Psychology exams approach, students must focus on the most likely Social Influence questions based on past trends. Our analysis suggests a high probability of questions on Conformity to Social Roles (Zimbardo) and Explanations for Obedience, along with Minority Influence and Research Methods. With a 16-mark question expected on a core concept, students should structure their AO3 using the PBW method to maximise marks. In this article, we break down our predictions with study strategies and detailed rationales to ensure you are fully prepared!