Predicted Exam Questions for the Psychopathology Topic in AQA A-Level Psychology (2025)

Based on past AQA A-Level Psychology exams (2017-2024), we have identified patterns in Psychopathology question trends. Below are the most likely exam questions, mark allocations, and study strategies for the 2025 paper.

Predicted Topics for the 2025 Exam

1. The Behavioural Approach to Explaining and Treating Phobias

  • Predicted question type: 8-16 marks (AO1 + AO3 evaluation)
  • Why? This was last tested as a 6-mark question in 2024, 3-mark question in 2022, and 16-mark question in 2020. Given its importance, it is due for a larger question in 2025.
  • Example question: Discuss the behavioural approach to explaining and treating phobias. (16 marks)

2. Definitions of Abnormality

  • Predicted question type: 8-12 marks (AO1 + AO2 application)
  • Why? This has been tested frequently (2017, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023). Since it did not appear in 2024, it may return in 2025, likely as a shorter essay question.
  • Example question: Outline and evaluate two definitions of abnormality. (8 marks)

3. The Cognitive Approach to Explaining and Treating Depression

  • Predicted question type: 8-16 marks (AO1 + AO3)
  • Why? This topic was a major 16-mark question in 2024 and has been tested regularly in smaller questions (e.g., 8 marks in 2023, 4 marks in 2020). If it appears again, it may be as an application-based 8-12 mark question.
  • Example question: Explain how the cognitive approach can be applied to treating depression. (8 marks)

4. The Biological Approach to Explaining and Treating OCD

  • Predicted question type: 6-8 marks (AO1 + AO3 evaluation)
  • Why? This was last tested as 8 marks in 2019 and 2022, and 4 marks in 2021, making it due for reappearance.
  • Example question: Discuss the biological approach to explaining and treating OCD. (8 marks)

5. Research Methods in Psychopathology

  • Predicted question type: 4-6 marks (AO3 evaluation of research studies)
  • Why? Research Methods have been tested frequently (2017, 2019, 2022, 2023) but not in 2024. A 4-6 mark question on research design or ethics in psychopathology is likely.
  • Example question: Identify one methodological issue in research on phobias and explain how it affects findings. (4 marks)

Likely Mark Allocations

From previous trends, the 2025 Psychopathology section is likely to have:

  • One 16-mark question (likely on Phobias or Cognitive Approach to Depression)
  • One 8-12 mark question (likely on Definitions of Abnormality)
  • One or two smaller 4-6 mark questions (likely on Biological Approach to OCD or Research Methods)

How to Prepare Effectively

1. Master AO1 Knowledge

  • Use flashcards for key concepts.
  • Create summary tables comparing different approaches.

2. Perfect AO3 Evaluation Using PBW

  • Point: One strength of the cognitive explanation for depression is its practical applications.
  • Because: It has led to effective treatments like CBT.
  • Why: This means the explanation has real-world benefits in reducing depressive symptoms.

3. Practice Application-Based Questions

  • Expect scenario-based questions on treatments and definitions.
  • Use real-life examples to enhance application answers.

4. Revise Research Methods

  • Be ready to answer methodological questions on sample bias, validity, and ethics.

Final Thoughts

While no prediction is certain, these insights help prioritise revision and maximise exam success. Focus on high-probability topics, practice past questions, and refine AO3 evaluation skills.

Good luck, and keep revising smartly!