England's Teacher Standards: What You Need to Know

teacher standards

If you are a teacher in England, it is important to be familiar with the teacher standards. These standards outline the skills and knowledge that all teachers in England are expected to possess. The teacher standards are divided into five domains: professionalism, planning and assessment, teaching and learning, leadership and management, and self-evaluation. In this blog post, we will discuss each of these domains in detail.

What are the DfE teachers Standards?

The Department for Education (DfE) teacher standards are based on the skills and knowledge that all teachers in England should possess. The standards are divided into five domains: professionalism, planning and assessment, teaching and learning, leadership and management, and self-evaluation.


Why are the DfE teacher standards important?

The teacher standards are important because they provide a common set of expectations for all teachers in England. By having these standards in place, it ensures that all teachers have the necessary skills and knowledge to be successful in their role.


The first domain of the teacher standards is professionalism. This domain covers the skills and knowledge that all teachers need to possess in order to be successful in their role. The standards in this domain include:

- demonstrating a commitment to professional development;

- maintaining high standards of professional conduct;

- demonstrating a positive attitude towards pupils, parents/carers and colleagues;

- demonstrating a commitment to equal opportunities.


Planning and assessment:

The second domain of the teacher standards is planning and assessment. This domain covers the skills and knowledge that all teachers need to possess in order to effectively plan and assess pupils' learning. The standards in this domain include:

- demonstrating a sound knowledge of the curriculum;

- planning lessons that are differentiated to meet the needs of all pupils;

- assessing pupils' progress regularly and providing feedback to pupils and parents/carers;

- using assessment data to inform planning.


Teaching and learning:

The third domain of the teacher standards is teaching and learning. This domain covers the skills and knowledge that all teachers need to possess in order to effectively deliver lessons and support pupils' learning. The standards in this domain include:

- demonstrating a sound knowledge of the subject(s) they teach;

- delivering lessons that engage and motivate pupils;

- using a range of teaching strategies to meet the needs of all pupils;

- differentiating learning activities to meet the needs of all pupils;

- assessing pupils' progress regularly and providing feedback to pupils.


Leadership and management:

The fourth domain of the teacher standards is leadership and management. This domain covers the skills and knowledge that all teachers need to possess in order to effectively lead and manage a classroom. The standards in this domain include:

- demonstrating a clear vision for raising pupil achievement;

- setting high expectations for all pupils;

- promoting a positive learning environment;

- managing pupil behaviour effectively;

- working effectively with parents/carers.



The fifth domain of the teacher standards is self-evaluation. This domain covers the skills and knowledge that all teachers need to possess in order to effectively reflect on their own practice. The standards in this domain include:

- demonstrating a commitment to self-evaluation;

- reflecting on own practice and identifying areas for improvement;

- seeking feedback from colleagues and using it to improve own practice.


By having these standards in place, it ensures that all teachers have the necessary skills and knowledge to be successful in their role. The teacher standards are important because they provide a common set of expectations for all teachers in England. By having these standards in place, it ensures that all teachers have the necessary skills and knowledge to be successful in their role.

"Reflecting on one's own practice is an essential part of being a teacher." -DfE teacher standards, self-evaluation domain.

"All teachers must have a clear vision for raising pupil achievement." -DfE teacher standards, leadership and management domain.

"Teachers must use a range of teaching strategies to meet the needs of all pupils." -DfE teacher standards, teaching and learning domain.


How do you demonstrate teaching standards?

There are a number of ways in which you can demonstrate that you meet the teacher standards. These include:

- completing a teacher training programme;

- having your teaching practice observed by a qualified teacher;

- being assessed against the standards by a qualified teacher;

- undertaking professional development activities related to the standards.

If you are a teacher in England, it is important that you are aware of the teacher standards and what is expected of you. By meeting the standards, you will be able to provide pupils with a high-quality education that meets their needs.


How do you collect evidence for teaching standards? 

There are a number of ways in which you can collect evidence that you meet the teacher standards. These include:

- keeping a portfolio of your work;

- videoing yourself teaching;

- asking pupils to complete questionnaires about your lessons;

- asking parents/carers to complete questionnaires about your interactions with their child.

It is important that you collect evidence that demonstrates your compliance with the standards in all domains. This will ensure that you can provide a complete picture of your teaching practice.


What do teachers struggle with the most?

One of the most common areas that teachers struggle with is differentiating learning activities to meet the needs of all pupils. This can be a challenge because it requires teachers to have a good understanding of the abilities and needs of each individual pupil. It is also important to make sure that the activities are engaging and challenging for all pupils.

Another area that teachers can struggle with is behaviour management. This can be challenging because it requires teachers to have good classroom management skills. It is also important to make sure that you are using a range of strategies to meet the needs of all pupils.

If you are struggling with any aspect of your teaching, it is important to seek advice from a qualified teacher or we highly recommend the book by H.A Wilson which is part of the 'Happy Teacher' series. This book is an eye opener about what to expect and how to navigate any difficulties if you plan on embarking as a secondary school teacher. The book details how to build productive relationships with students, difficult parents and overbearing colleagues (yes you will have them).

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By being aware of the teacher standards and what is expected of you, you can ensure that you are providing pupils with a high-quality education. If you are struggling with any aspect of your teaching, seek advice from a qualified teacher or consult resources such as the 'Happy Teacher' series.


There you have it, a quick guide to England's teacher standards. We hope this has been helpful and informative. If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below or contact us directly. Thank you for reading!


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