Drivers in Lagos Go on Strike, Fares Spike


On Monday morning, commuters in Lagos were met with a nasty surprise: many of the city's drivers had gone on strike, causing fares to spike. The strike is being led by the National Union of Road Transport Workers (NURTW), which is demanding that the state government provide more financial assistance to its members.

The NURTW is one of the most powerful unions in Nigeria, and its members provide a vital service in a city with few other options for public transportation. The union has been demanding additional financial support from the state government for months, but those requests have fallen on deaf ears. Frustrated, the NURTW has decided to take matters into its own hands by going on strike.

The strike has caused fares to double or even triple in some cases, and it has left many commuters stranded. The state government has so far refused to meet the NURTW's demands, and it remains to be seen how long the strike will last. In the meantime, Lagosians are being forced to find alternative ways to get around the city.

The NURTW's decision to go on strike has caused havoc for commuters in Lagos. With fares skyrocketing and no end in sight, many people are being forced to find alternative ways to get around the city. It remains to be seen how long the strike will last, but one thing is certain: the NURTW is not backing down until its demands are met.

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