Who or What is a Narcissist?

Definition- Narcissist

If you were to define narcissism, what would you say?

Meaning of Narcissism

LET'S BEGIN WITH THIS: Narcissism is a mental condition that can only be diagnosed by a skilled mental health practitioner. So sorry, you can not just diagnose your neighbour because that is what you think.

The rest of us rely on this "label" based on our limited understanding of the issue, which is frequently shaped by what we've heard from others, read on the Internet, or directly experienced, none of which is often an accurate image.

NPD Meaning

As a result, it is critical to begin this article by defining what narcissism is and isn't.

Most of the time, reading search engine results pages will not help you diagnose a personality problem. This necessitates the use of a specialist who has received substantial training in this area. It is, in some ways, a disease, a psychological ailment.

There are numerous levels of narcissism, and specialists utilise several tests to assess where a person sits on the narcissistic spectrum.

Despite this, it is difficult to properly identify a person with a Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). The American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders provides professional guidance on identifying an individual suffering from pathological narcissism.

Signs of a Narcissistic

In order for someone to be diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), they must exhibit at least five of the following symptoms:

  • Has an inflated feeling of self-importance; for example, exaggerates accomplishments and capabilities and expects to be regarded as superior.
  • Has delusions of unending success, power, brilliance, beauty, or a perfect love.
  • Considers himself or herself to be "special," and believes that he or she should only associate with other "special" or high-status persons or institutions.
  • Excessive adoration is required. Has a sense of entitlement, an unjustified expectation of favouritism, or automatic conformity with his or her expectations.
  • Takes advantage of others to achieve one's goals.
  • Lacks empathy and is unwilling or unable to recognise the feelings or needs of others.
  • Is frequently envious of others and believes that others are envious of him.
  • Arrogant or snobbish conduct or attitude

A Narcissist is not.....

Narcissism is not the same as selfishness.

People frequently confuse narcissism with self-love, satisfaction, being given the cold shoulder, being inconsiderate, opinionated, and attention-seeking.

The issue is that some of us, very naturally, display this behaviour from time to time.

Is it true that we are all narcissistic?

Certainly not! The presence of one or two of these characteristics does not imply that a person is narcissistic. On the Internet, misinformation like this dilutes the genuine meaning of pathological narcissism.

Narcissism is more than just certain characteristics or moods. Pathological narcissists are continuously trying to undermine their victims' will to live.

They are similar to cancer. Because narcissism exists on a spectrum, determining where a person stands on the spectrum requires a combination of numerous characteristics.

As a result, simply labelling an abuser as a narcissist is insufficient, even if all narcissists are abusive in some form.

Narcissism is characterised by day-to-day issues.

NPD is classified as a Cluster B personality disorder. That is, people on this spectrum

  • Frequently struggle to manage their emotions
  • Are overly emotional
  • Volatile
  • Theatrical
  • Generally unpredictable.

It may be useful to learn more about disorders in order to better comprehend the individual you are dealing with.

People in this cluster, on average, have damaged relationships, are incapable of intimacy, and struggle to maintain long-term partnerships. People with this type of personality disorder may also struggle to understand themselves and relate to others.

The symptoms must cause day-to-day problems with a person's functioning or behaviour in order for a proper diagnosis to be made.

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