11 Things Narcissistic Mothers Say to Manipulate You

If you have a narcissistic mother, then you know how manipulative they can be. They often use words to control their children and get what they want. In this blog post, we will discuss 11 things that narcissistic[1] mothers say in order to manipulate their children. If you are currently going through a situation like this, it is important to be aware of these things so you can protect yourself from the emotional manipulation.

things narcissistic mothers say

Narcissistic mothers often say things like "I'm the only one who loves you" or "You're just like your father." They might also say things like "I raised you better than this" or "You're never going to amount to anything." These things are said in order to manipulate their children into doing what they want or to make them feel guilty. Narcissistic mothers might also say things like "I'm sorry" or "I didn't mean to hurt you." However, these things are usually said after they have already caused emotional damage. It is important to be aware of the things that narcissistic mothers say so you can protect yourself from their manipulation. If you are currently dealing with a narcissistic mother, you should seek out professional help so you can learn how to protect yourself from their emotional manipulation.

What does a narcissistic mother say?

"I'm the only one who loves you."

"You're just like your father."

"I raised you better than this."

"You're never going to amount to anything."

"I'm sorry."

"I didn't mean to hurt you."

"Thank you for understanding."

"You're such a good child."

" I don't know what I would do without you."

"Don't ever leave me, I couldn't bear it."

"I was only trying to help you."

"You're so ungrateful."

"I did this all for you."

" one day you'll thank me for this."

" after all I've done for you."

What are the signs of a narcissistic mother?

There are many signs of a narcissistic mother, but some common ones include:

-They are always right and never wrong.

-They have to be the center of attention at all times.

-They always need things to be done their way.

-They often put their children down in order to make themselves feel better.

-They can be very controlling and manipulative.

-They can be jealous of their children's success.

-They often have unrealistic expectations of their children.

If you think you might be dealing with a narcissistic mother, it is important to seek out professional help so you can learn how to protect yourself from their emotional manipulation.

things narcissistic mothers say

How does a narcissistic mother treat her daughter?

A narcissistic mother often treats her daughter as a extension of herself. She might be very critical of her daughter and always expect her to meet unrealistic standards. The narcissistic mother might also try to control every aspect of her daughter's life. She might be very jealous of any success or attention that her daughter receives.

What are things narcissistic mothers do?

Narcissistic mothers often do things like:

-manipulate their children with words

-try to control every aspect of their children's lives

-put their children down in order to make themselves feel better

-have unrealistic expectations of their children

-be jealous of any success or attention that their children receive

things narcissistic mothers say

Are there recommended audio books I can read or listen to on this topic?

There are many recommended audio books about narcissism, but some titles include:

-The Narcissism Epidemic: Living in the Age of Entitlement by Jean M. Twenge

-Why Is It Always About You? The Seven Deadly Sins of Narcissism by Sandy Hotchkiss

-The Wizard of Oz and Other Narcissists: Coping with the One-Way Relationship in Work, Love, and Family by Eleanor Payson.

These are just a few of the recommended audio books about narcissism. If you are dealing with a narcissistic mother, it is important to seek out professional help so you can learn how to protect yourself from their emotional manipulation. Thank you for reading! I hope this was helpful. :)

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