Paper 1 Quick Revision Summaries
Paper 1- Minority Influence - Consistency and Commitment
Unveiling the Forces of Minority Influence: A Closer Look at Moscovici's Experiment The realm of social influence extends beyond the sway of the ma... -
Paper 1- Resistance to Social Influence-Explanations
Asch's (1951) groundbreaking research and Milgram's (1963) infamous experiments have left an indelible mark on our understanding of social influenc... -
Paper 1- Dispositional Explanation for Obedience: Authoritarian personality
Understanding the complex interplay between dispositional and situational factors in the realm of obedience has been a focal point for psychologist... -
Paper1- Explanations for Obedience -Variations of Milgram (1963)
In the aftermath of Milgram's groundbreaking research on obedience, various variations were conducted to delve into the impact of different variabl... -
Explanations for Obedience - Milgram (1963)
In 1963, Stanley Milgram conducted a landmark psychological investigation on obedience, aiming to uncover whether ordinary American citizens would ... -
Paper 1- Conformity to Social Roles as Investigated by Zimbardo
In 1973, Philip Zimbardo undertook a highly controversial study, the Stanford Prison Experiment, aiming to scrutinise the extent to which individua...