Predicted Exam Questions for the Relationships Topic in AQA A-Level Psychology (2025)
After analysing past AQA A-Level Psychology exams (2017-2024) using the updated dataset, we can identify key patterns and trends for the 2025 Relationships exam. Below are the most likely questions, expected mark allocations, and study strategies based on this new data.
Key Trends & Predictions for 2025
- Theories of Romantic Relationships has appeared as a 16-mark question in 2019 and had a total of 17 marks worth of questions in 2020. Since it was last tested as an 8-mark question in 2022, it is likely to return as a 16-mark essay in 2025.
Social Exchange Theory was last tested as a 16-mark question in 2019 and appeared as a 1-mark question in 2020. Given that it hasn’t been tested as a major essay question in recent years, it is due for a return in 2025 as either a 16-mark or 12-mark question.
3. The Evolutionary Explanations for Partner Preferences was last tested as an 8-mark question in 2024 and appeared in multiple smaller questions previously (2018, 2019, 2023). It is likely to return as an 8-12 mark essay in 2025.
4. Parasocial Relationships was last tested as an 8-mark question in 2023 and has appeared in previous smaller-mark questions (2018). It may reappear as a shorter 4-6 mark question in 2025.
5. Equity Theory has never been tested as a 16-mark question but appeared as 8-mark questions in 2022 and 2023. Since Social Exchange Theory is due for a larger question, Equity Theory might be tested as an 8-mark discussion or comparison question.
6. Duck’s Phase Model of Relationship Breakdown was last tested as an 8-mark question in 2023 and 2024 and a 4-mark question in 2019 and 2021. It is less likely to be a major essay question but could appear in a 4-6 mark applied question.
Predicted 2025 Exam Questions & Marks
Predicted Topic Likely Mark Allocation Reason for Prediction Theories of Romantic Relationships 16 Marks Last tested as 16 marks in 2019 and 17 marks in 2020, due for return Social Exchange Theory 12-16 Marks Has not been tested as a major essay in years, likely to return The Evolutionary Explanations for Partner Preferences 8-12 Marks Last tested in 2024, could return in a longer format Parasocial Relationships 4-6 Marks Appeared in 2018 and 2023, likely to return in a small question Equity Theory 8 Marks Never tested as a 16-mark question, could appear in a medium-length format Duck’s Phase Model of Relationship Breakdown 4-6 Marks Tested frequently in small-mark questions, likely to return in that format
Recommended Study Focus
1. Master AO1 Knowledge
- Memorise key theories, research studies, and definitions.
- Use flashcards to recall key names and explanations.
2. Perfect AO3 Evaluation Using PBW
- Point: One limitation of Social Exchange Theory is that it is reductionist.
- Because: It assumes all relationships are based on cost-benefit analyses.
- Why: This ignores emotional factors such as commitment and intimacy.
3. Practice 16-Mark Essays
- Focus on: Theories of Romantic Relationships and Social Exchange Theory.
- Write full-length responses with structured evaluation.
4. Compare Key Relationship Theories
- Revise Social Exchange Theory vs. Equity Theory.
- Understand key similarities and differences.
5. Prepare for Applied Questions
- Be ready for scenario-based questions on Parasocial Relationships and Duck’s Phase Model.
- Apply real-world examples to answer questions effectively.
Final Thoughts
By focusing on these high-probability topics, students can maximise their exam performance and feel confident going into their 2025 AQA A-Level Psychology exam.
Good luck with your revision!