Predicted Exam Questions for the Issues and Debates Topic in AQA A-Level Psychology (2025)

After analysing past AQA A-Level Psychology exams (2017-2024) using the updated dataset, we can identify key patterns and trends for the 2025 Issues and Debates exam. Below are the most likely questions, expected mark allocations, and study strategies based on this new data.

Key Trends & Predictions for 2025

  1. Holism and Reductionism has appeared as a 16-mark question twice (2020, 2023) and in small-mark questions in 2017 and 2024. Since it was tested in 2023 as a major question, it may return as an 8-12 mark question in 2025.

  2. Free Will and Determinism was a 16-mark question in both 2017 and 2024, meaning it is less likely to appear in the same format again but could feature as an 8-12 mark discussion.

  3. The Nature-Nurture Debate was last a 16-mark question in 2019 and has only been tested as a small question since then (2020, 2024). This suggests it is due for a return as a major 16-mark question.

  4. Idiographic and Nomothetic Approaches has only appeared as small-mark questions (2018, 2020, 2022, 2024) and has never been tested as a 16-mark question, meaning 2025 is likely the year it appears as a long-form question.

  5. Ethical Implications and Social Sensitivity has been tested as smaller questions in 2018, 2019, and 2022 but never as a 16-mark question, meaning it could return in a shorter 8-12 mark format.

  6. Gender and Culture in Psychology has been tested multiple times in small-mark questions (2017-2024) but has never been a major 16-mark question. It is possible that it appears as a 16-mark discussion in 2025.

Predicted 2025 Exam Questions & Marks

Predicted Topic Likely Mark Allocation Reason for Prediction
The Nature-Nurture Debate 16 Marks Last appeared as 16 marks in 2019, due for return
Idiographic and Nomothetic Approaches 16 Marks Has never been a 16-mark question before, making it highly likely
Holism and Reductionism 8-12 Marks Last tested as 16 marks in 2023, could return in a different format
Gender and Culture in Psychology 8-12 Marks Frequently tested in smaller questions, could be a major essay question in 2025
Ethical Implications & Social Sensitivity 8-12 Marks Has not been a 16-mark question before, making it likely for a smaller essay
Free Will and Determinism 6-8 Marks Appeared as 16 marks in 2024, may return as a smaller question

Recommended Study Focus

1. Master AO1 Knowledge

  • Learn key definitions, strengths, and weaknesses for each debate.
  • Use flashcards and concise summaries for rapid revision.

2. Perfect AO3 Evaluation Using PBW

  • Point: One limitation of the idiographic approach is that it lacks generalisability.
  • Because: It focuses on detailed individual cases, making it difficult to apply findings to larger populations.
  • Why: This limits its usefulness in creating general psychological theories.

3. Practice 16-Mark Essays

  • Focus on: Nature vs. Nurture and Idiographic vs. Nomothetic.
  • Plan strong AO3 evaluation points and ensure a balanced argument.

4. Compare Key Debates

  • Revise interactionist approaches that link multiple debates (e.g., nature-nurture and holism-reductionism).
  • Be prepared for comparison-based questions.

5. Revise Research Methods & Ethics

  • Expect a small question on how research methods relate to issues and debates.
  • Revise ethical implications of research in psychology.

Final Thoughts

By focusing on these high-probability topics, students can maximise their exam performance and feel confident going into their 2025 AQA A-Level Psychology exam.

Good luck with your revision!