Idiographic and nomothetic approaches (Issues and Debates Model Answers) (Paper 3 Model Answers)

What is a ‘nomothetic approach’? Suggest one limitation of a nomothetic approach. ( 2 marks) 

Model Answer

A 'nomothetic approach' in psychology refers to an approach that aims to identify general principles and laws that apply to a large group of individuals. It focuses on uncovering universal patterns and establishing broad generalisations about human behaviour and cognition. The nomothetic approach seeks to identify commonalities and regularities among individuals and develop theories that can be applied across different contexts.

One limitation of a nomothetic approach is that it may overlook individual differences and uniqueness. By focusing on general principles, the nomothetic approach may neglect the variability and diversity that exists among individuals.


Which of the following best describes an idiographic approach in psychology? ( 1 mark) 

Shade one box only.

Model Answer



Read the item and then answer the question that follows.

A prison psychologist used an idiographic approach to study offending. He asked two offenders to record their thoughts about their childhood and their offending behaviour in a journal over a period of four weeks.

Qualitative analysis of the journals showed that the offenders often thought about sad childhood events and believed that their childhood experiences had influenced their offending.

Findings from idiographic research like the study described above are often used as a basis for other investigations.

Explain how the researcher might develop the above investigation through taking a nomothetic approach. ( 6 marks) 

Model Answer

Instead of studying only two offenders, the researcher could expand the sample size to include a larger group of offenders. This would allow for a broader representation of individuals and increase the generalisability of the findings.

In addition to the qualitative journal entries, the researcher could incorporate structured questionnaires or surveys to collect quantitative data. This would provide standardised and measurable information that can be analysed using statistical methods.

The researcher could utilise standardised measures or scales that have been validated and widely used in previous research. These measures would allow for comparisons across different studies and facilitate the identification of common trends and patterns.


Which of the following statements best describes a nomothetic approach in psychology? Shade one box only.

Psychologists taking a nomothetic approach…( 1 mark) 

Model Answer



(a)  Using an example of a research study you have learned about in psychology, outline what is meant by a nomothetic approach to psychological investigation. ( 4 marks) 

Model Answer

Zimbardo used a variety of quantitative measures to collect data, including observations of participant behavior, recordings of interactions, and psychological assessments. These measures were designed to capture specific variables such as aggression, obedience to authority, and conformity, which were of interest to the research question.

Zimbardo then analysed the collected data using statistical techniques to draw general conclusions about the psychological effects of the simulated prison environment. The findings of the study revealed that participants in the role of guards exhibited abusive and authoritarian behavior, while those in the role of prisoners experienced psychological distress.


(b)  Referring to the example used in your answer to part (a), briefly explain how the same behaviour might be studied using an idiographic approach to psychological investigation.( 2 marks) 

Model Answer

Using an idiographic approach, researchers might conduct in-depth interviews with each participant to explore their personal thoughts, emotions, and experiences during the experiment. The focus would be on understanding the individual's perspective, including their motivations, interpretations, and reflections on their own behaviour and the behaviour of others.

The idiographic approach would allow for a detailed exploration of the specific factors that influenced each participant's behavior within the prison setting. It could involve examining their personal histories, values, and individual differences that contributed to their reactions and behaviors during the experiment.




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